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Showing posts from July, 2008

currymee + babycare

Hey... while I was driving back today, guess what... tadaaa ... I don't know what is he trying to do but from the add stickers on the back of his car, it is currymee and baby care. Hmmmmmmmm .... The 2 don't goes well together. So what is he trying to say here. Whatever it is.... I am definitely NOT sending my kid to this baby care.... NO NO NO!!


I spend the whole afternoon till like 6 pm in the board room trying to understand why i am making this stand now. I would never see myself as a person that would go in to a sort of mass trading type of business. And now I see that this is happening. Are we losing it? Or the change is too dearly that we still want to hold on to the past. What will happen? I would still be in that room now if it is not for my temper. Shouting would not help, ya ya... but at least it tone down the meeting room. I was glad now. I still have not seen the bigger picture. However, i am glad now. Hope to see a more proactive day tomorrow.