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Showing posts from March, 2011

Kopi Cine

Scones..... everything is hand make!!! Cappuccino 2 weird love birds.  Latte.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

David Armand - Love Is All Around (Interpretative Dance)

See this and tell me you didnt laugh!!!

Funny Interpretative Dance: The Killers - Fast and Loose Episode 5, prev...

Rosmah Sifatkan Malapetaka Jepun

Hmmm... this teaches us something. Little knowledge goes a long way.

Steam & Toast Bread

Take the bread! Toast the bread under the fire

Cameron Highlad 5-6 March 2011

Raining outside and its freezing cold BIG FAT RAIN I never had so much vege in one meal before. Looks fake huh?